Triumph launched its latest-generation Speed Triple with the 2022 Speed Triple 1200 RS. The platform not only debuted Hinckley’s new 1,160cc inline triple but also propelled the Speed Triple to the forefront of the category with 177 horsepower and 92 lb-ft of torque. The RS trim only enjoyed its moment in the sun for eight months before the fairing-clad 2022 Speed Triple 1200 RR joined Triumph’s supernaked lineup in September, 2021.

Both the RS and RR returned for the 2023 model year, but the all-new platform still has some kinks to work out. One such issue pertained to the brake disc bolts and the latest recall calls the radiator fan into question. According to a U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Safety Recall Report, 2022 and 2023 Speed Triples can experience radiator fan failure.

The issue occurs when operators ride the bikes through “high ambient temperature and slow-moving traffic situations”. These conditions exceed the fan's maximum operating temperature, causing the unit's motor to fail. Should the fan overheat, an instrument warning light will illuminate the dash. If the user ignores the notification, however, the inoperable fan could “result in leaking or spraying hot coolant, increasing the risk of injury.”

Triumph first caught wind of the issue in June, 2022, when the OEM received an influx in warranty claims. By August, 2022, the brand requested faulty parts back from customers to thoroughly investigate the problem. In order to guard the radiator fan against excessive temperatures, Triumph will install an additional heat shield on the 1,351 affected units, free of charge.

Hinckley will notify its dealers of the recall and installation process on January 30, 2023. The manufacturer will then inform Speed Triple 1200 RS/RR owners on February 1, 2023. Triumph will also equip new Speed Triple examples with the additional heat shield once model production ramps back up in January, 2023.

In the meantime, owners can contact Triumph's customer service at 1-678-854-2010 (recall number: SRAN 605). Alternatively, customers can also reach out to the NHTSA Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY 1-800-424-9153) or visit the NHTSA website.

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