The eagerly awaited Hunter 350 was introduced by Royal Enfield in August 2022 in India. The brand-new Royal Enfield Hunter 350, which starts at Rs 149,000, or around $1,870 USD, is now the company's most inexpensive motorbike. Within a month of its formal debut, the Hunter 350 rose to the position of second-best-selling Royal Enfield motorbike in India.

Built around the brand’s new 350cc platform, the Hunter 350 serves as the perfect gateway into Royal Enfield—and big bike ownership as a whole. While its two siblings, the Classic and Meteor are more laid back and adopt a cruiser-like aesthetic, the Hunter is more upright, slightly sporty, and more attune to what folks consider a standard motorbike. With all that on the table, it would appear that Royal Enfield came up with the perfect recipe for a mid-size entry-level offering in the Indian market.

Indeed, the sales figures of the Royal Enfield Hunter 350 have been pretty stellar, especially considering that the bike has been on sale for just over a month. The Classic 350 is still the most popular model, selling 18,993 units in August 2022, but the Hunter 350 was a close second with 18,197 units sold. It's important to note that this motorcycle's first deliveries started on August 10.This could also be a good indication that the preferences of Indian motorcycle aficionados are shifting from laid-back cruisers to slightly sportier, more roadster-esque machines.

The Hunter 350, like all the other models in Royal Enfield's lineup, is a conventional roadster that is built on the same platform as the Meteor 350 and Classic 350. Janaki recently got the chance to run the Hunter through its paces in the busy urban streets of Bangkok, so be sure to check that out. The vehicle is available in two variations, Retro & Metro, which are divided into three trim levels.

2023 Royal Enfield Hunter 350 - Dapper Ash

The Hunter's 349cc, single-cylinder, air-oil cooled, fuel-injected engine only produces 20 horsepower, so it isn't exactly a powerhouse. The bike also has a five-speed manual transmission without a slipper clutch or quick-shifter technology, which allows it to cruise along. The Royal Enfield Hunter 350 is equipped with a digital-analog instrument cluster and an add-on Tripper navigation pod. It has dual-channel ABS and disc brakes on both ends. The motorbike has two preload-adjustable shocks at the back and telescopic front forks up front.

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