Back in March, Bajaj Auto managing director Rajiv Bajaj detailed a number of the company's then-future motorcycle plans. This included its upcoming CNG-powered bike, as well as giving an update on how things were going with the immensely popular Triumph Speed 400 and Scrambler 400 X. 

At the time, we asked if Bajaj was already working on an additional Triumph 400cc bike, because Rajiv Bajaj certainly made it seem that way. Now that it's August 2024, it looks like not only are more Triumph 400s on their way, but they could be here by the end of October.

For those unfamiliar, Bajaj (both the manufacturer and the man) regularly speaks to India's CNBC-TV18 business news outlet. So it's not surprising that the outlet is the one chosen by anonymous Bajaj sources to tell that two new Triumph 400cc street bikes are already on their way.

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When can we expect them to hit? Like the previous Triumph 400s, they'll roll out in India before their introduction in other markets. And, in India's motorcycle market, introductions of highly anticipated new motorbikes frequently take place in time for the festive season, also known as Diwali. This year, the five-day festival begins on October 29 and runs through November 3.

What Triumph 400s can we expect? In December 2023, the first images of what appeared to be a Triumph Thruxton 400 road testing made the rounds, so it's a safe bet that's one of the models we can expect. The powertrain should remain the same, as these bikes should be based on the same platform as the existing Triumph Speed 400 and Scrambler 400 X.

As to how they'll be received, that's all down to a few things. If the styling, fit, and finish are as on point as they were for the Speed 400 and Scrambler 400 X, and the pricing is in line with customer expectations, there's no reason they shouldn't also be successful in winning hearts and minds. 

Are you looking forward to more Triumph 400s? Do you have a Speed 400 or Scrambler 400 X story to share? Let us know in the comments!

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