It’s almost the end of 2021, and Moto Guzzi has spent the entire year celebrating its 100th anniversary. While celebration plans may not have gone exactly the way that Guzzisti wanted, the company has still been doing what it can to honor this special occasion. From the Moto Guzzi 100 Years coffee table book to the announcement of the new factory complex and introduction of the V100 Mandello, it’s done its best to cover the year with Guzzi glory from end to end.
Just because the year is nearly over doesn’t mean the celebrating is done, though. Giorgio Parodi, one of Moto Guzzi’s co-founders, was originally planned as the subject of a great honor and festival in the Ligurian capital of Genoa in 2021. A parade, party, entertainment, and general merriment had been planned around the unveiling of a special statue in Parodi’s honor. The man wasn’t just an entrepreneur; he was also a famous aviator, who served his country well in WWI.
If you’re reading this, you know how 2021 went, so it’s likely no surprise that plans for the original May, 2021 unveiling of the statue and ensuing party were dialed back several notches. On May 14, 2021, artist Ettore Gambioli’s statue of Parodi was unveiled—but the big party was postponed until 2022, out of an abundance of caution.
Now, since it’s only December, 2021, no one knows how May, 2022 will go. However, the current plan for Giorgio Parodi Days in May, 2022 is scheduled to take place from May 13 through 15. If all goes how organizers want it to, there will be a big motorcycle rally at the Porto Antico, along with plenty of local street food trucks from the area to help feed all the hungry riders who want a taste of Genoese food.
Both the Moto Guzzi World Club and the Moto Guzzi Club Genova have a hand in organizing this event, and the hope is that the situation will have improved enough that Guzzisti from all over the world will safely be able to attend. However, as with every other event during this time period, all plans are provisional and could change prior to the event. If you plan to attend, make sure you stay on top of travel developments between your local region and Italy so you can plan accordingly.