If you’re going to get your Yamaha R1 fully kitted out to go play in the snow, there are only a few places to share those shenanigans as widely as possible. That’s why French endurance racer Hugo Clere made sure to put this very video up on YouTube. Now, the entire world can share in his spiky-tired joy.
Clere and friends shot this video at the Val-Thorens ski resort, which is the highest-altitude ski destination in Europe. That didn’t seem to matter much to either Clere or his R1, though. Then again, the premise of this video is that Clere dozes off in front of his computer and dreams the whole thing. Maybe the thinner air means he hallucinated it all, and didn’t actually go outside and hop on his bike to shoot this video?
I mean, it would be pretty impressive if his dream power was strong enough to transmit crystal-clear images to recording equipment. However, since that seems highly unlikely, we’ll have to assume that Clere and his R1 did all their own stunts in real life. The video is just over two minutes long, which makes it the perfect little palate cleanser for your brain.
At one point, because Clere is a helpful guy, he even tows a skier along behind his R1. It’s a gentle towing scenario, never going too fast or making the skier look unsteady. I mean, maybe if the skier didn’t have skis and poles to deal with, he could’ve simply ridden pillion. As it was, this was probably the most practical solution available.
Maybe you can’t or don’t want to stick spikes in your sportbike tires, for whatever reason. If you, like me, are just waiting for a whole bunch of winter to melt away so you can get back out and enjoy your bike, take a couple of minutes and live vicariously through Hugo Clere.
Source: YouTube via Moto-Station