The world’s been exceptionally weird ever since a certain global pandemic turned it all upside down. Still, the darkest times are often when the best of humanity shines.  

Take the Crewe Honda Centre in Cheshire, England. Up until a few weeks ago, it was a family-owned Honda dealership that had been in the motorcycle business since 1920. In January, 2021, it shifted gears to also become a community COVID-19 vaccination center.  

How did it happen? As is the case with many dealerships, Crewe Honda has a lot of floor space. The chemist (or pharmacist, for non-Brits) across the street noticed that Crewe was doing some remodeling work. That’s when he first mentioned the idea of using the space to vaccinate the community.  


“I didn’t really think anything of it until the next minute, someone from the National Health Service (NHS) appeared and asked me if they could rent the building. I of course declined and said I will donate the building for as long as it's needed,” Roger Morris, managing director of Crewe Honda Centre wrote in a Facebook post. 

“Since then, it’s been a race to clear the building and get it ready for the opening this Saturday (January 23). I hope this small gesture will help the local community in the fight against the current pandemic,” Morris continued.  

When the Honda dealership reopens, the current plan is to offer motorcycle sales and service on one side of the building, and to continue community COVID-19 vaccination on the other side. The chemist across the street is coordinating these vaccinations with the NHS.  


If you’re local to the area, vaccinations are by appointment only, and walk-ins are not allowed at this time. Vaccinations at Crewe started on January 23, 2021, with over 200 area residents receiving their first jabs (that’s a shot to we non-Brits) on opening day.  

The current plan is to vaccinate up to 1200 residents per week to start, with an eventual goal of expanding to 2000 per week in the not-too-distant future, according to Cheshire Live. These are rough times for everyone, but a family-owned business like Crewe Honda stepping up to do the right thing is exactly the kind of encouragement we all need in these times.  

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