Sometimes, when your dad does stuff you want to do that stuff too. Especially if you’re a young kid. Sometimes, if your dad is a legend, he lets you. This kid in India has a legend for a dad. When the young’n wanted a Royal Enfield Bullet just like his old man’s, the old man got to work. What you have here is a Royal Enfield Bullet, miniaturized.
This one likely won’t have any classic British oil leaks, on account of it is powered by a small electric motor. The fidelity to the design of the real Bullet is incredible, with the Royal Enfield and Bullet logo and iconic RE style crash guards. The headlight, tail light and instrument cluster are nearly identical to the original, and we’d have trouble telling this one from a full-size Bullet if you photographed it in isolation. We’re not sure how he managed to get this minibike together so well, but hope he doesn’t get a visit from the trademark and licensing folks from the “British” marque.
The little fella looks delighted with his rig and makes me wish I was adopted by this dad from Kerala, India. My dad wouldn’t even let me put cards in the spokes of my BMX. This mini Bullet even has the right seat profile, with a squared-off and raised pillion seat. The kid is wearing the classic Royal Enfield Bullet rider’s attire, complete with ultra-cool sunglasses as he rips up the dirt around the village.
As motorcyclists, it’s our duty and responsibility to foster the love of our sport in our children, our neighbor’s children, our family’s children, and random children on the street. You do it by waving, you do it by letting kids sit on your bike, and if you’re this guy, you do it by building a perfect replica of your own bike and putting an electric motor in it.
Bravo man from Kerala!