Adventure rider and longtime YouTuber Lyndon Poskitt is back on his Husqvarna Norden 901.In the newest series of Races to Places, he’s off to explore Iceland. First things first, though—both he and his bike have to get there from England. Sadly, most airlines frown upon taking your motorbike of choice in the cabin with you as an emotional support vehicle. Boo! 

In this video, we briefly see Poskitt pack up the bike to go on its separate journey across the water, and then we see him get on a plane (Iceland Air, of course), only to be greeted by a friendly local rider named Einar. To get acclimated, he suggests taking a couple of bikes out to explore some local trails, and who’s going to say no to that? 

As a person who’s never ridden in Iceland, and who is watching this, the first thing that struck me is the sheer vastness of the places that they’re riding. It’s wild, it’s full of things that look just a little different than what you may be used to—all those black rocks, for example—and it is, of course, extremely beautiful.  

Later in the video, we get a bit of a map overview of where Poskitt plans to ride during his time in the country. Some areas wouldn’t be open yet due to the time of year, so the plan for the first couple of weeks was to stick to fjord areas in the west that should be open. He’s starting from Reykjavik, but plans to explore far beyond on the Norden over the coming weeks. 

Once Poskitt is reunited with Norman the Norden (seriously, that’s what he’s named his bike, and honestly it does kind of flow off the tongue), it’s off for their first day of adventure. After getting out of the city and off onto some dirt roads, it’s time for a quick map check to see that the next destination is Gullfoss Falls, an absolutely massive two-tier waterfall in the southern part of the country. During the winter, Poskitt says, the water freezes and glistens spectacularly in the sunlight, which involves significantly less falling of the water. 

After that, it’s time to start heading north—and it’s also the end of this episode. In the preview for the next episode, we see that poor old Norman is on his side in the snow—what's happened? It’s called a teaser for a reason, and Poskitt is clearly hoping you’ll subscribe to find out (that is, if you haven’t already). 

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