Underneath all that bodywork, you might not expect the Batcycle to be an unassuming 1972 Yamaha DS7 250. Since this is a replica, of course, the base could be just about anything the builder wanted it to be. Also, there’s the fact that the 1960s TV show Batgirl also rode a Yamaha to consider.

Whether that was any kind of deciding factor in choosing the base vehicle for this build, we have no idea. In any case, it comes with an attached sidecar with a cart inside for Robin. According to the seller, the cart is not powered in any way, and is just for show. Some minor cosmetic dings are illustrated clearly in the photos for anyone who is considering bidding.

The seller says it runs and also drives, and has been recently serviced—but does not give any details whatsoever on what kind of servicing was done. Still, he does also add that he welcomes any and all questions that potential buyers might have, so hopefully it won’t be too difficult to find out. It comes with a kick-start, and has not been upgraded to an electric start—but isn’t that more fitting for this particular bike, anyway? 

Gallery: 1972 Yamaha DS7 250 Batcycle Replica

It’s unclear how well this custom rides, given the extra weight (nevermind its distribution). Still,  it’ll likely put a smile on the face of anyone who sees it. If the Adam West and Burt Ward-era Batman TV series  is your jam, and you have a spare $24,500 burning a hole in your pocket, you might want to bid. This auction is on eBay through March 26, 2020, so you have nearly two weeks to think about it.

It’s located in Rowlett, Texas, so you’ll need to talk to the seller about transportation if you’re not in the area.

Sources: eBay, Bike-urious

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