They say time flies when you’re having fun—or when you’re compressing approximately three long years worth of work into a single 28-minute video. If a good time lapse video is worth its weight in painstakingly fabricated parts, then the latest from Brick House Builds is definitely worth your time to check out. If you want to see a stunning BHB Honda CX 500 tracker build come to life, piece by piece, then hook up your headphones and hit play. 

Sometimes, when you see a finished build, it creates such a strong, cohesive impression that you almost don’t see the sheer amount of work that went into it. With a time lapse like this, though, you have just enough time to get a sense of all the tiny intricacies that go into fabricating and piecing together an undertaking like this. 

Some of the pieces of work involved include (but are not limited to) a GL650 engine swap, fabricating a new subframe and various other parts, lots of welding, fabricating all sorts of trays and mounts for a lithium battery/headlight/gauges, building a stainless-steel exhaust, and so on.  

If you’re interested in seeing any of the constituent parts of this time lapse video in greater detail, don’t worry—there's a handy Brick House Builds YouTube playlist exclusively for this build. It’s 66 videos long, with each piece handily labeled with the step in the build that it covers, so you can jump around to whatever parts strike your fancy, if you don’t feel like watching the whole thing in order. We’ll include a link to the full playlist in our Sources so you can bookmark it for later viewing. 

At the end, we get to both see and hear the completed BHB CX 500 build, and it is glorious. It’s painted in a modern take on classic Honda Racing Corporation iconography, incorporating the red, white, and blue color scheme in a particularly pleasing way. Do you like Honda wing logos? That’s cool, because you probably haven’t seen one quite like what you’ll see on this tank. The blue anodized spoked wheels from Cognito Moto really set the whole thing off, too.  

It’s a triumphant build, and video—and one you’ll want to watch with the volume up. Sit down, grab some snacks, and enjoy yourself for half an hour. 

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