The widespread popularity of digital classifieds sites like Craigslist, Kijiji, and Gumtree have given us a glimpse inside the garages of countless, average, everyday backyard builders. While you occasionally come across the work of skilled amateurs, you are bound to see a few head-scratchers. This Kawasaki-based vehicle is on the latter end of that spectrum for so, so many reasons.

The bizarre reverse-trike is essentially a 1985 Kawasaki 454 LTD that’s had its fork replaced with a full roll cage fixed atop the front-end of a 1988 Pontiac Fiero. The machine boasts a seat (complete with seatbelt) and a steering wheel. Though there’s currently no wind protection, the ad states the build was “designed to accept full windshield, nose, and side panels”. I doubt even the world’s most talented designer could pen a bodywork that would make this thing even remotely attractive.

Even though there wasn’t much of a restriction on the size of the front wheel (compared to a normal fork), the builder opted for skinny tires, which probably aren’t the best choice for a vehicle of this mass and shape. To be honest, we're not sure why exactly the plywood partition was added between the seat and the bike, but our guess is that it's just to give it that more finished, factory look.

Craigslist Reverse Trike (2)

The mostly stock 454 LTD donor is a pretty strange choice for this project. The engine, which is basically the 908cc four-cylinder mill from the GPZ900 lopped in half, is adequate at best for the job and vastly underpowered at worst, depending on the thing’s weight. If you're as curious about this as we are, you can currently find this custom reverse-trike on Craigslist where the seller is asking for $1,500.

Source: Craigslist

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